COVID 19 Information

COVID 19 and Soccer

All player, referees, coaches, spectators must wear a mask to and from vehicles.  Players on the field, referees on the field and coaches who are not in direct contact with players or others are not required to wear a mask.  Coaches, referees and spectators when social distancing is not practical and direct contact is needed a mask must be worn.  Spectators must maintain 6 (six) feet apart during game times.  Fields will be marked.  Player benches will not be utilized.  If your player wishes to bring a chair or a blanket for personal use during down time that is welcomed.  Absolutely, no sharing of drinks, items or clothing.  This year there will be no hand shakes.  these rules apply to all area clubs that we travel.  Anyone not in compliance may be asked to leave the game with the player.  If continued non compliance the game may be cancelled.  

Please see Indiana Soccer Leagues attachments by clicking on these links:  COVID 19,  COVID 19 Precheck GuidelinesPositive Case Tip Sheet