
East Central Indiana Youth Soccer League (ECIYSL)

Spring 2021


Participating clubs: Centerville (KICS), Fayette County, Hagerstown, Henry County, Jay County, Richmond Premier, Rush County, Union County


Play Group

Birth Years

# Players on Field


2010, 2011, 2012

7v7 (6 + GK)


2008, 2009, 20010

9v9 (8 + GK)


2005, 2006, 2007

9v9 (8 + GK)


Laws of the Game (not all are covered but those needed for emphasis)


Rule 1 – The Field







45-60 yards

30-40 yards


65-80 yards

45-55 yards


65-80 yards

45-55 yards


Center Circle:




8 yards


8 yards


8 yards


Goal Area:








5 yards

16 yards


5 yards

16 yards


Penalty Area:





12 yards

24 yards


14 yards

36 yards


14 yards

36 yards







6 - 6 ½ feet

12 - 18 ½ feet


6 - 6 ½ feet

18 ½ - 21 feet


8 feet

24 feet




Penalty Spot:


Distance from Goal Line


8 yards


10 yards


10 yards


Build Out Line:

o   This line is only on the 11U (7v7) fields.

o   The build out line is half-way between the top of the penalty area and the midline, parallel to the midline.

o   When there is a goal kick or the goalkeeper has possession in their hands, the opponents must drop behind the build out line until the ball is distributed into play.

o   The goalkeeper is not allowed to punt or drop-kick the ball.

o   The build out line is also used for the offside line. Only players between the build out line and their attacking goal may be in an offside position.

Rule 2: The Ball


Ball Size








Rule 3: The Number of Players





7v7 (6 + GK)

4 (3 + GK)


9v9 (8 + GK)

6 (5 + GK)


9v9 (8 + GK)

6 (5 + GK)


·         Substitutions – Unlimited for all age groups

·         Substitutions shall be with the consent of the referee at the following times:

o   Prior to our team’s throw-in

o   Prior to a goal kick by either team

o   After any goal

o   At half-time

o   If both teams have a substitute ready, both teams may substitute.

Rule 5: The Referee

·         USSF certified referee as assigned by the Indiana Soccer designee.

·         One certified referee will be assigned for all 11U, 13U, 16U games. 

·         If three referees are used by a club, the club is responsible for paying both the AR fees. Both teams will split the center referee’s fees.

·         A USSF certified referee must be in the center. A club linesman may be used. At no time will a “two referee system” be permitted to referee a game.


For team check-in:

·         All teams must provide two game cards (one for the referee and one for their opponent) from Gotsoccer with all the participating players’ names typed on the card. If a player’s name is not typed on the game card, the player may not participate in the game.

Rule 6: The Assistant Referee

·         Refer to Rule 5

Rule 7: Duration of the Match




2 x 30 Min Halves

2 x 35 Min Halves

2 x 40 Min Halves

·         10 minutes between halves

Rule 8: Start of Play

·         All opponents must be at least 8 yards from the ball until it is in play.

Rule 11: Offside

·         Offside is in effect in all games 11U and older.

Rule 12: Fouls and Misconducts

·         Restricted Goalkeeper Distribution: Punting and Drop Kicks are not allowed. If there is an infraction, the referee should remind the goalkeeper.

·         No intentional heading for all 11U and 13U games in ECIYSL

o   If a player deliberately heads the ball, the referee will award an indirect free kick (IFK) to the opposing team from the spot of the infringement.

o   An indirect free kick awarded inside the penalty area for the attacking team must be taken on the penalty area line parallel to the goal line at the point nearest to where the infringement occurred.

Rule 13: Free Kicks

·         All opponents must be at least 8 yards from the ball until it is in play.

Rule 16: Goal Kick

·         11U games, all goal kicks are to be taken anywhere inside the penalty area. Opponents are required to drop behind the build out line until the ball is put back into play.

·         13U & 16U games, all goal kicks are to be taken anywhere inside the goal area. Opponents are required to be outside the penalty area.

·         The ball is live when it is played and may be touched within the penalty area by a second player.

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Modified ISL Playing Rules

Although all FIFA Laws of the games will be applied during the games, below are specific laws that have been modified for use in youth league games. To differentiate between the FIFA laws of the games and the below modifications, the changes will be referred to as “Rules”. These Rules apply to ALL youth games played at US

Youth Sanctioned Indiana Soccer League games in Indiana.

Rule 1 – The Field







U 10

50-55 yards

40-45 yards


U 11 and U 12

75-80 yards

55-60 yards


U 13 through U 19

110-120 yards

65-80 yards

Center Circle












U 10

5 yards



U 11 and U 12

8 yards



U 13 through U 19

10 yards


Goal Area












U 10 through U12

4 yards

14 yards


U 13 through U 19

6 yards

20 yards













U 10

6 Feet

12-18 Feet


U 11 and U 12

6-7 Feet

18-21 Feet


U 13 through U 19

8 Feet

24 Feet

Penalty Area: 9 yards long by 22 yards wide




U 10

9 Yards

22 Yards

U 11 and U 12

14 Yards

32 yards

U 13 through U 19

18 Yards

44 Yards


March 13, 2015

Penalty Sport/Mark: 8 yards from the goal line



Distance from Goal Line


U 10

8 yards



U 11 and U 12

10 yards



U 13 through U 19

12 yards


Rule 2 – The Ball









Ball Size



U 10 through U 12




U 13 through U 19



Rule 3 – The Number of Players



On the Field












U 10




U 11 and U 12




U 13 through U 19



o One player from each team must be designated as a keeper

Game Roster Size



U 10


U 11 and U 12


U 13 through U 19


Substitutions – Unlimited for all age groups

Substitutions shall be with the consent of the referee at the following times: o Prior to our team’s throw-in

o Prior to a goal kick by either team o After any goal

o At half-time (overtime period if applicable)

o If both teams have a substitute ready, both teams may substitute

Rule 4 – The Players’ Equipment

The Home team must wear a white/light color jersey and the visiting team must wear a dark color jersey. If the referee determines the uniforms are too similar and may cause confusion, the offending team must change their jersey to comply with the color requirements.

A jersey or shirt with sleeves – if undergarments are worn, they may be a different color as the sleeve of the jersey or shirt.

A short – if undershorts or tights are worn, they may be a different color from the shorts.

Stockings – if tape or a similar material is applied externally, as long as the referee can determine the color of the stocking, it does not have to be the same color of the stocking.

Non-uniform clothing is allowed based on weather conditions, but uniforms must still distinguish teams.


March 13, 2015

Rule 5 – The Referee

USSF certified referee, as assigned by Indiana Soccer.

Three referees must officiate the game. One official must be the center referee and the other two are the assistant referees.

If three referees are not available, a USSF certified referee must be in the center. A Club Linesperson may be used. At no time will a “two referee system” be permitted to referee a game.

For U 10 games, one USSF certified referee may be used.

For the U 10 games, all rule infringements shall be briefly explained to the offending player when needed.

There may be up to three Indiana Soccer carded adults (coaches, managers, trainers, etc…) on the bench. All adults must present their Indiana Soccer card to the referee prior to the game. No additional adults, carded or not, will be permitted on the players’ side if there are already three Indiana Soccer carded adults. If one of the three carded adults arrives late, they must show their Indiana Soccer card to the assistant referee at the next stoppage.

If there are no Indiana Soccer carded adults at the players’ side, the game will not start. The referee must allow for 15 minute delay before abandoning the game. If there are no Indiana Soccer carded adults at the players’ side due to a send-off, the referee must terminate the game immediately.

For player check-in, each team must provide one of the following:

o A copy of their State Pool Roster with the players participating names’ highlighted

oA copy of the game card from gotsoccer with all the participating players names typed on the card

o An official player pass

With U 10 teams, players from within a club may move from one field to another for the purpose of creating more equitable play at each game.

If the referee observes lightning during the game, the game must be suspended until the danger has passed. The referee must wait 30 minutes after lightning was last observed prior to restarting the game.

Coaches must remain in their technical area. If a technical are is not lined, the coaches must stay two yards away from the touch line, and one yard extended at each side of the seating area. If there are no designated seating areas, the coaches must have the players’ equipment, chairs, medical supplies, tent, etc… at least two yards away from the touch line and ten yards from the half way line. The referee will be the sole judge of the proper distances.

Referee Pay Chart for 2013-2014 – Each team is to bring ½ of the fee in cash to each game in denominations that do not require the referees to make change. Referees are to be paid prior to kickoff.

ISL Division


U 10


U 11 & U 12


U 13 to U 18

Premier & 1st







$120 (50/35/35)

2nd – 4th





$70 (30/20/20)

$100 (40/30/30)

All games








Referees will only be paid for their position. If an assistant referee is not present and a club linesperson is used, the referee and assistant referee will only be paid his/her fee. No additional fee will be paid to the referee or assistant referee just because a member of the referee team did not show up.


March 13, 2015

Game Report

oThe referee will log on to their GotSoccer Account to complete and submit the Referee Game Report. You MUST have/know the league and game number to complete the game report

o Only the referee reports yellow or red cards on their game report. The teams should not report cards on their game reports.

o A USSF game report MUST be completed for any red card issued by the referee.

Rule 6

– The Assistant Referees






Refer to Rule 5







Rule 7

– Duration of the Match















U 10


U 11 & U 12


U 13 & U 14

U 15 & U 16


U 17 & Above

2 x 25 Minute


2 x 30 Minute


2 x 35 Minute

2 x 40 Minute


2 x 45 Minute











5 Minute half time for all age groups





Rule 8

– The Start and Restart of Play






Conform to FIFA except






U 10 games that all opponents are at least 8 yards from the ball until it is in play.


Rule 9

– The Ball In and Out of Play:






Conform to FIFA.







Rule 10 – The Method of Scoring

Conform to FIFA.

Rule 11 – Off-Side

Conform to FIFA except

No off-side for all U 10 games

Rule 12 – Fouls and Misconducts

Conform to FIFA except:

U 10 games - Restricted Goalkeeper Distribution: Punting is not allowed. In the case of an infraction, the referee reminds the goalkeeper of the No Punt Rule and restarts the game with the ball in the hands of the goalkeeper. There is no violation of the rules if the goalkeeper: Drop Kicks, Throws, or Rolls the ball.

Rationale: Develop the concept of building out of the back, understanding that the goalkeeper passes the ball to a teammate.

Rule 13 – Free Kicks

Conform to FIFA except

U 10 games that all opponents are at least 8 yards from the ball until it is in play.

Rule 14 – The Penalty Kick

Conform to FIFA except

The penalty mark as stated in Rule 1 – Penalty Sport/Mark


March 13, 2015

Rule 15 – The Throw-In

Conform to FIFA.

Rule 16 – The Goal Kick

Conform to FIFA except

U 10 games - May be taken from anywhere inside the penalty area. Opponents are required to drop into their half of the field until the ball is put back into play. If both teams are Level 1 teams (only Level 1), they may agree to not play with this rule. Please communicate with the referee prior to the game. In a Level 1 game where both teams agree to remove this rule, the field players must be 8 yards away from the placement of the ball.

Rationale: Developmentally, the goalkeeper should be the player taking the goal kick. This should allow for a completed pass from the goal kick. Too often, the opposing team would surround the penalty area on a goal kick, creating an immediate scoring opportunity off of a restart that should not but the team taking the goal kick at a disadvantage.

Rule 17 – The Corner Kick

Conform to FIFA except

U 10 games that all opponents are at least 8 yards from the ball until it is in play.


March 13, 2015